Angkor my love

the most amazing tours in Angkor

We traveled all around Angkor and created the perfect tours for you.

We’re experience team where travel far and Your personalized itinerary will contain further details on the module or itinerary you selected. Of course, we’ll also include any personal recommendations we think would help you get the most out of your time in Cambodia and even Vietnam and Laos and Thailand, If you decide that you’d like to tweak your itinerary, just let your travel specialist know and we’ll make the necessary changes so that your itinerary is just right. You’re not obligate to charged

Explore Our Tours

If you’ve never travelled to Cambodia before, or need some help getting started, then take a look at ours Tours. Here, we’ve combined a number of our itineraries in a logical order to create longer and more complete Cambodia holidays and even Vietnam and Laos and Thailand, However, modifications are still possible to these itineraries, for example a day less here, a day longer there etc. Once again, you’re in charge. Then our tour operator will guide you to the right way of planning.

Why choosing us? & travel with us?

We are base in Cambodia where the rich culture and well-know giant temple of Angkor Wat and big great lake Tonle Sap in Asia where also crossing by Mekong Series River from China, We are sure and confident that it is our prices that competitors are trying to beat rather than vice versa. However, we are always happy to review your quote if you have received what appears to be a better price from a reputable operator. In many instances, the difference is due to the finer, yet essential, details such as room type or level of service to be offered on particular days.

We aim to offer that elusive combination of the highest-quality travel experiences at the most competitive price possible. We don’t cut corners to keep our prices artificially low. We don’t arrange only the cheapest possible rooms in a hotel. And we certainly don’t herd you on to a multi-stop coach, preferring to provide holidays that are individually designed and tailored to meet your exact requirements. Our operator continually monitor and personally inspect hotels, boats and interview with tour guide and the other travel products we offer to ensure that you are getting the highest standards you would expect for your value of money. Our buying power in Indochina ensures that we are able to purchase services at a lower rate than those available to an individual booking directly, which enables us to pass on significant savings to you.

Quite simply, you are not paying for middleman, large marketing departments or expensive, glossy brochures. Being a web-based direct business allows us to use the Internet advantage between you and us. This website allows you to fully research your holiday from start to finish, safe in the knowledge that the information is as up-to-date as possible. By using the Internet to its full potential, we are able to convey a huge amount of information to you in a format that is manageable and will offer you real benefits before and during your holiday. And our staffs are amongst the most knowledgeable and skilled in the industry. 

“Why Angkor?
Angkor Needs No Reason, Angkor Is Its Own Reason.”

Maureen Johnson

what our clients say about us

How do we work & supported?

Independence travel is a great way to keep your mind, and your eyes, wide open. Whether you’ve built your trip using our range of unique tour or chosen from one of our suggested itineraries, you’re sure to come across colorful customs, and strong, happy communities living in all kinds of environments. We strive to preserve and support world communities of every description, to ensure that our trips are sustainable as well as authentic – and, of course, experience under skin of country.

We’re also considering the effects of tourism on our destinations and promote responsible travel on our trips. example, we are affiliated with local protecting destination. And each organization cares for the proper wages and proper working conditions for porters and mountain guides. They also arrange for a tree to be planted for every person that climbs the mountain or travel in destination responding the eco-green, so that every traveler can make a positive contribution in the fight against climate change.

We encourage our customers to be sensitive when it comes to photography and dress code, urging traveler to respect difference, privacy, and modesty.

Our recommend itineraries are all about local experiences. Above all, we are committed to offering our customers active adventures that provide a real sense of local life and local communities. We work really hard to make sure that our local partners and operators are exactly those – really and truly local remain and touching your experience.

We use local guides on all of the excursions involved in our itineraries, and we use family-run, locally owned accommodation wherever possible. On top of this, we use local transport to get our travelers from each destination to end rural. This might be an overnight in a Homestay, a Tuk-Tuk, Ox-cart, hose riding or an elephant visiting! Not only does this make for more rewarding journeys, but it also assists to put money reaching local people hand.

Independence travel and adventures often include small projects that actively encourage interaction between traveler and locals such as fishing or vegetable picking, and then helping to prepare meals or local cooking class. We provide these small-scale accommodation options in villages as often as possible. This encourages contact with the local population and helps their economy, as they will become more involved with tourism in their area and profit by it.

We select aid projects for each destination, and give all of our customers the option to make a small donation to these projects when they book their trip. These are usually small-scale projects benefiting schools, clinics or orphanages. In Cambodia, we are now supporting a School Project such as building the school wall and toilet in remote area; Of course, our customers are very welcome indeed to visit the projects during their trip!

We completely respect the choice of travelers wishing to keep their charity donations and holidays separate, so there is absolutely no pressure or obligation to take part in these projects.

We’re a company that support to reduce their negative impact on protecting to local environment. While long haul travel is, by its very nature, not particularly eco-friendly, we try very hard to minimize our effect on the environment. Travel may not be the best way to preserve our world, but it certainly makes for a more tolerant, understanding and open-minded global community and base of world community to teach each other. And we’re support for project plastic free through educated to our guide and community to support each other with slogan of Refill not landfill by minimize to use plastic bottle through out tour in Cambodia

Our environmental measures begin on our own doorstep. Our goal is to help travelers have incredible journeys, filled with endearing experiences and which leave them feeling great about the country and the culture they visited. If we’re able to do all of this while ensuring sustainable and constructive travel, all of our efforts have been worthwhile. And the world keeps green and full of oxygen.

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